DemoReel 100 with APA104 RGB+W LEDs First humble approach to use RGB+W with FastLED

DemoReel 100 with APA104 RGB+W LEDs
First humble approach to use RGB+W with FastLED
those LEDs are not RGBW; they are alternating RGB and White LEDs

p.s. the White is really beautiful :slight_smile:

Same as DemoReel.

So you can address each second led for white and first for color?
This is great. But which color code needs the white? Do you have to address 3 channels of the same color or is there only one 8bit channel?

@Jurgen_Skrotzky first question: yes.
On the demo reel you can add_sparkle in pure white. Everything else is divided in room/object illumination in pure white and in color animations (RGB).
Additional benefit: you can select an color (or animation) and then add pure white; just like in the HSV model.

The white LEDs have the same controller as the color LEDs. That means you have 3 variables like in RGB with 0…255 value range each. In other words you can control the pure white in 768 steps (24 bits), and you have 60mA (= 0.3W) of white brightness.
Addressing is like white_LED[i]::CRGB((0…255),(0…255),(0…255))

Thanks @Juergen_Bruegl ​, that is awesome and easy to use.
Maybe I will buy some too :wink:

hi Juergen , have you try any run with APA104 & ESP-01? mine was very noisy when I use any fastLED lib example , I’ve recheck any things like power , add/remove preprocessor definition but still have noisy effect while with same hardware
there is no problem using NepixelBus by MAkuna lib, any hint really appreciated

@Hamid_s_k used ESP-01 without any problems, used a lt1117 with 2x 10µF Tanatals to reduce noise on the µC side. set it to 80Mhz, Framerate up to 120. Haven’t used it with APA104

tnx Juergen for tip, I’m gonna to test it