Decided to cut a few panels. Forgot how annoying fiberglass dust is ...

Decided to cut a few panels. Forgot how annoying fiberglass dust is … within minutes I had to stop after realizing I was sitting inside a dust cloud (of fiberglass) - not very smart. Had to get a dust collector going (read: vacuum with the hose extension directly under the Dremel blade.) What you see here is the pieces cut, washed, and fresh out of the oven, dry and squeaky clean. Now for the careful handling so I don’t get finger oil back on the pads prior to paste coating.

I really hate the mess of cutting fiberglass and carbon fiber. The dust gets everywhere even with a shop vac and overhead dust collector going. Not to mention how irritating the dust can be if it gets on your skin. Can you say itchy…:slight_smile:

Nope, I can’t. I use a 0.8mm Dremel cutting wheel, high speed, and a vacuum about an inch from where the cut is being made. No issues, not even dust left over on any surface. Of course, that’s after I remember to do that … unlike earlier today.