Dear FastLED Users. Our team developed Android application "Disco Lights BLE" which extracts music

Dear FastLED Users.

Our team developed Android application “Disco Lights BLE” which extracts music beat from the microphone input signal and passes the information to the external device over Bluetooth Low Energy
( BLE ) in real-time. With beat information ( rate and current state)
the application provides also total input signal level (as intensity)
as well 5 frequency band levels (also as intensity). The application does not require any configuration.

We put together Arduino project which utilizes:

  1. Arduino UNO

  2. nRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy Breakout from the adafruit

  3. NEOPIXEL strip (150 leds, 5 meters)

  4. FastLED 3.x

  5. Visualization Scheduler with two effects.

    a. Visualization Scheduler allows to play different effects
    in space or time. It can be used as stand along together
    with FastLED library. Any existing effects can be ported
    to the environment very fast.

    b. Effects were originally developed by Mark Kriegsman.
    We just ported to the scheduler environment.

If the project sketch is running Arduino will be connected
to the application. Together they create music controlled
lights show system.

The Arduino project files are posted on
It is fully free for any use.

The arduino portion is fully free, But the Android app will cost you $0.99

Cool project, thank you for sharing.

Thank You! I appreciate a lot anything interesting music-to-light related :slight_smile: