Custom Laser Cut Masonic Frames

Made some custom frames for the 8.5 x 11" certificates for a couple of people who were made honorary members of my Masonic Lodge. Got to use my new big 50W laser :smile:

Made from 3 layers of 1/8" birch ply, stained and unstained. Gloss lacquer finish on all layers. The back layer was smaller on the inside cut by 3mm on each side, relative to the mat (middle) layer, to give the recess for the glass, certificate and backing board.
Used 0.08" (~2mm) acrylic sheet as the glass and 30pt (~0.77mm) chipboard as the backing. Added some turn buttons to the back to hold the contents in place.


Very nice!

Willing to share the files? (I don’t come here often, is that a faux pas?)

(DDGM 30th District of Mason’s in MA)

Hello Sir, I sent you a PM. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey brother are you selling these?

I sent you a PM.

I know this is an old post. Are you still making these?

Hey, yes I am.


What is the price?

I’ll DM you in just a minute.

Hello sir love it won’t it