Controller boards with integrated TMC drivers

Thanks @mcdanlj for adding Phi to the list! Regarding the current, I’ve tested up to 1.8A (a little below the 2A rating of TMC2209).

Also, some corrections:

  1. The form factor for the 2-stepper expansion is not StepSticks, but the Duet 3 Expansion Mini 2+ (same as in Duet 3 Mini 5+).

  2. Official firmware is RRF. Currently, there is no Marlin port, but there is nothing preventing the community from creating one.


Thanks for the updates, I’ve put them all in the table!


Revision A6 or Recore is now in production, it has 6x TMC2209, 1GHz / 300 MHz freq, Klipper firmware, 2A RMS, $149 ($159 if you don’t have connectors) and Open Schematic.


Thanks @Elias_Bakken! for the update. That looks very nice! Is the replicape still in production anywhere or should we remove it from the table?

Also, is there information on what those connectors are in the $10 connector pack?

Replicape is no longer in production, no. The BBB was just too sluggish to run OctoPrint with comfort. I think the new boards from BeagleBoard are more suited, but then the price for the pair becomes pretty steep. I’d say remove it for now, and if a new revision comes out, we can easily add it back :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve updated the description of the connector pack to include what is actually in there: Connector Pack –

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Thanks! I’ve now separated in production last time we checked, announced but unreleased last time we checked, and out of production last time we checked into separate tables.

Does including dupont-style connectors in the connector pack mean that the board doesn’t have locking JST-style or similar bases for the pin headers to keep connectors from being jostled out?

Yes, that is the current design, no locking connectors. You are not the first to point out the downside to the non-locking connectors, so if there is physical space for an alternative, I’ll look into that.

Alternatively, recommend hot glue? :grin:

Seriously, I’ve seen it used commercially for this even with locking connectors. For example, my treadmill has locking connectors but shipped with the logic-level connectors (for display board and speed sensor) hot-glued in place as “belt-and-suspenders”.

Sure, that is a viable solution! Apple glues things all the time apparently. But it’s not ideal for repairs and esthetics. Honestly I’ve never had a problem with connectors coming loose, so I guess I’ve not experienced the pain first hand, haha. Great reason to get a faster (more shaking) printer!