Continuing my previous post ( ) I have built a firmware for TinyG

Continuing my previous post ( I have built a firmware for TinyG G2 Arduino Due+gShield with NO limit switches and NO Z-probe support. Changes made to settings/shapeoko2_settings.h, original values shown in comments.
DI1_MODE (Arduino pin D14) -> Xmin (NO) used for X axis homing
DI2_MODE (Arduino pin D15) -> Xmax (DISABLED) not used
DI3_MODE (Arduino pin D16) -> Ymin (NO) used for Y axis homing
DI4_MODE (Arduino pin D17) -> Ymax (DISABLED) not used
DI5_MODE (Arduino pin D18) -> Zmin (NO) used for Z-probe
DI6_MODE (Arduino pin D19) -> Zmax (NO) used for Z axis homing

Homing and probing successfully tested using Chilipeppr (

The firmware version I recently got from github is 83.09, but it is possible to load firmware 087-edge using Chilipeppr Board Programming feature. Where I can get the updates?