Been noticing the ESP8266 without the USB connector(show below).

Been noticing the ESP8266 without the USB connector(show below). I assume you can use one of the many usb board devices that plug into the non-8266 type board is this true?


Yes. You just have to make sure it’s 3.3v logic level, not 5v.
There are USB boards specifically designed for these ESP8266 modules.

@Jim_Wygralak Thank you. Stopped me from digging through my junk box where I know all the USB boards I own are 5v.

Try one of these:

This is an ESP-01S and it’s great. You will need a USB to TTL-3.3 converter but other than that these are super cheap and barebones. No frills, no fuss, it just works.

Something to be aware of is that they are not breadboard friendly. So unless you start making your own PCBs they’re a bit of a pain to use in a scratch built project. Also there is no regulator on board, so depending on your use case something like a Wemos D1 mini is often more convenient in the long run.

I’ve used something like 20 ESP01s in projects and the space/money saved hadn’t been worth it in my opinion.

Bear in mind they have way less inputs (obviously)

Starting to sound like my junk drawer wemos boards is the better way to go.

I’ve used 01’s for most of simple DHT22 end point sensors. You have two pins so one input and one output to control. Also have heard and experienced 5v works on logic levels and have programmed them at 5v logic since day one. They are 3.3v power obviously though. I started with them as they were just so cheap. Other options are getting cheaper and I love using D1 minis for most stuff but the old 01’s are still viable for some stuff to me. Plus I have a handful to use up still :slight_smile:

@Rud_Dog ​ absolute yes. Go with the Wemos D1 mini.
More IOs, more memory. No need for a dedicated flash/burn button. Breadboard friendly and a USB/FTDI is already included.
I started out with ESP01. I REALLY wish I had gone with something like Lua og D1 mini instead.
Man I wasted days on those ESP01s.
Happy Tinkering :wink:

@Nick_Reynolds there are breadboard adapters for cheap from China… Work fine…

@Garry_Glendown I’m aware of them. My point is the ESP01 works fine but you end up working around its inconvenient features to the extent you may as well have bought something very slightly bigger. There are now so many alternative options, unlike when the ESP01 first appeared.

@Nick_Reynolds True about the breadboard compatability. Quite anoying. I just taped 2 x femail 4 pin, 0.1 inch connectors together with some wires. ESP01s goes in the connectors, and the other end goes to the Breadboard.