Bearings Education

I open this thread with a video I noticed I could take because noticed the transparent shell on the cover of the bearings I have.

I encourage people to continue this thread with short educational comments.

The idea that I would like to highlight is that in linear bearing like LM_XYZ_??? the balls have to perform higher tangential speeds causing heat and wear on the rod and the housing: here you see it is much less (sorry have no time to make a describing picture but we are a community because others help).

Sliding has the effect of stick-slip if the slides do not have a wide range (pictures and links to articles are appreciated).

In the past roller bearings were expensive (past). In the past they were heavy - today not and even not that much expensive as steel bearings and worth for sharp acceleration.

Please feel free to add and argue because it worth it: rolling vs sliding.

In some solutions of mine I cannot avoid using sliding because I am lazy.

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