Azteeg X5 Mini Version 2 Ethernet Connectivity help

Looking at Ax5mv2 J7 for ethernet connectivity. I know the pins there are 3.3v,GND, 1.16,1.17,1.15,,1.8,1.4,1.0,1.1,RSTO and +5V. but I am unfamiliar with their function with the relation to the board and how to best use them. some pins could be analog, PWM etc. am I correct in assuming that the 1.xx nomenclature means they are on SPI 1? I am not even sure how many SPI and I2C channels if any are on the board.

I have 2 options, I would prefer wireless. or both Wired and Wireless:

For Wired i have a ENC28J60 ethernet Board with Pins Vcc, Gnd, CS, Reset, SI, SCK, WOL, SO, CLKOUT, INT

For Wireless I have any number of different ESP8266 based boards
with different carriers and pin labels.

ex. JY-MCU carrier has pins Key, VCC,GND, TXD, RXD, STATE
ex. MakerFocus X001SPW2ER has pins V+, CSN, CE, MOSI, SCK, IRQ, MISC
ex. HM-10 Style ESP-8266 boards of the type usually found soldered to a carrier board with all pins available.

Any help in understanding the Pin connections and required Smoothie config to enable the onboard web connectivity would be most appreciated

Imported from wikidot

Recieved in PM, I quote :

My browser is saying i have no wiki .dot Karma so i cant edit my own question post, which sucks since i believe the information below is valuable.

I hope i didn’t upset someone or do all this work for nothing.

please post it as a reply or edit as you see fit

Any input you might have would be appreciated. i know i am new but i am truly trying to contribute.

OK. I believe i need less help now and have a possible solution for myself and other v2 owners, and possibly those who have pre-ordered the Azteeg x5 GT.

I asked Panacutt, the manufacturer of the AzteegX5 Mini v2 and got no answer, but i believe i have been able to deduce the design choices they made and have an inexpensive fix.

When manufacturing the board in an effort to reduce costs they removed the network support hardware, but maintained the pins as an optional interface for future expansion, even though they never manufactured the expansion board. (at least i haven’t been able to find it)

These design choices leave users with an incomplete hardware platform, incapable as-is of taking advantage of full SmoothieWare functionality.

They restored the interface on the v3 version of the board, but it looks like they are returning to the .V2 ethernet expansion interface design on the Azteeg x5 GT.

Luckily, I am a network engineer.The pin count and functionality seemed familiar from my job. I believe there is an inexpensive (US $3.25) way to re-enable it.

If i am correct, the J7 interface is a MII network port. a standard network interface for embedded web servers and other ethernet equipment.

The part required should be a LAN8720 ETH Board or its equivalent. connected as follows:

Azteeg x5 v.2 LPC1768 Xpresso MII
pin is—> Pin is —> Pin

J7 3.3V vcc 3.3v LAN8720 Waveshare VCC
J7 GND gnd gnd LAN8720 Waveshare GND
J7 P1.16 eth mdc LAN8720 Waveshare MDC
J7 P1.17 eth mdio LAN8720 Waveshare MDI0
J7 P1.14 eth rx err/PHYSAD0 LAN8720 Waveshare NC
J7 P1.15 eth ref clk LAN8720 Waveshare nINT/RETCLK
J7 P1.9 eth rxd0 LAN8720 Waveshare RX0
J7 P1.10 eth rxd1 LAN8720 Waveshare RX1
J7 P1.4 eth tx en LAN8720 Waveshare TX_EN
J7 P1.8 eth crs LAN8720 Waveshare CRS
J7 P1.0 eth txd0 LAN8720 Waveshare TX0
J7 P1.1 eth txd1 LAN8720 Waveshare TX1
J7 RSTO eth LAN8720 Waveshare NC
J7 5v 5v 5v LAN8720 Waveshare NC ETH Board

The Pins should match up as follows on the part mentioned above then alter your config to re-enable the smoothie network and web services."