As works its way towards its v0.7 release,

As #BeagleSNES works its way towards its v0.7 release, the transition of the project to the 3.14 kernel and OpenGL ES support is looking very good! Because the scaling is being performed in hardware via GLES textures, I am seeing big performance improvements across the board in all of the emulators by removing their software scaling logic. I also am no longer bound to the single 720x480 resolution, since I can hardware scale to whatever resolution and aspect ratio is appropriate. v0.7 will allow you to use LCD capes and DVI displays without audio support, if you like, but you can also plug in a USB audio device to get audio support if you aren’t running in a CEA mode that supports audio via the HDMI cable.

Aside from the dramatic shift in how graphics are rendered, there is also the inclusion of three new emulators (for the NES, GBA, and original Game Boy), much faster save state and SRAM saves, tons of bug fixes, better gamepad mapping, and all-around better performance. I’ve had all of this development 90% done and sitting around for about two months, but I just haven’t had time to get it all together. I don’t know when the v0.7 release will be along, but BeagleSNES’s development is still going strong!

I need to get you a GamingCape to make sure BeagleSNES supports it out-of-the-box.

Sure thing. Luckily, the v0.7 release will be the first version of BeagleSNES that can properly use the GamingCape because the cape offers too few buttons to play SNES and GBA games. The new NES and GBC emulators will work just fine with the number of buttons on the cape. I added in support for GPIO buttons in v0.6, so it should just be a matter of adding in the proper device tree nodes, making sure the correct audio CODEC is built into the kernel, and playing around with the GPIO mappings a bit to get it working.