As Chris Stock (cannot link him here somehow) has recently asked about any

As Chris Stock (cannot link him here somehow) has recently asked about any updates…here we go :wink:
I am working from time to time on an alternative UI for the FastLed WebServer by @Jason_Coon where only the options are shown which can actually be applied to the current pattern.
Using Bootstrap (@Bootswatch ) and AngularJS.
Here is a little video. Any advices are welcome!

Context specific settings (is what I’d call that). Very cool.

That’s a really nice update!

Here’s some thoughts.

A home screen with more options, such as:

  • Type of LED’s (probably not doable)
  • Length of strand
  • General brightness
  • Selectable routines for a demo mode
  • Length of time for the demos, i.e. 5 seconds each

On the context pages:

  • A ‘back’ or ‘home’ button.
  • A few different types of controls.

A few simple examples of usage along with ample documentation.

To package this up so it’s easy to add my own routines.

To put each display routine as a separate .h file.

Oh, and Ben Hencke did some very cool things with his PixelBlaze at and With PixelBlaze, you can even update routines on the fly, not that I would expect that here.

@Andrew_Tuline Thanks for your input. Just a few quick notes: I am only working on the WebUI as I haven’t done any real work with fastled/arduino yet. So type of leds and length should be out. Power on/off and brightness will come next.
As I will probably move everything to one page again (as it looks quiet empty), there will be no need for a home/back/forth button.
Selectable routines for demo mode should be absolutely doable, but rotation will stop as soon as you close the page.

Yes I have seen the work of bhencke. It is quiet cool. Guess he is using (or created) some kind of JavaScript interpreter. Would be a great feature fastled. An “animation hub”

This is cool! I just built something similar with MAX MSP. Are you sending data wirelessly or over a serial port to the LEDS?

@John_Sahhar Data is sent wirelessly. All that stuff is handled by the webserver of jasoncoon. I did no coding on the chip itself

Hey M K! Any progress/updates on this?

Well yes, there is some progress.
Unfortunately when I tried to use it on the esp8266, it was unbelievably slow.
Seems like the esp8266 is not intended to run angular apps on it :wink:
It does work though with an asynchronous webserver. But this will required the whole project to be changed. I am looking for ways to integrate it