Anyone running a smoothie cnc router out there that would be willing to share

Anyone running a smoothie cnc router out there that would be willing to share with me your gcode file? I’d like to do some testing but I want to make sure I have something to compare to. Thanks in advance…

I am running a Smoothie 5xC for a router, please clarify what you are looking for in Gcode and i will send you some stuff.

@Jason_Bull ​, anything really. I want to make sure a good usable file is my comparison. Right now my z appears to be moving in the plus direction away from the work during a job however I think my config and setup is correct. I’m very new to this style cnc so I’m guessing what is wrong at the moment. I want to rule out my gcode files that I’m creating. Thanks+!

@Chuck_Comito huh isn’t +Up and - Down in a routers Z? All from the 0 setting?

Hi @donkjr , I just realized how poorly I worded this post… What I should have said is that the router moves in the z+ direction when it should have been plunging into the work (-Z direction). Either way I got it sorted. I didn’t set my Z axis correctly in Fusion. I have a happy CNC at the moment. Still working out the bugs but I managed to make something…

@Chuck_Comito nice!