Anyone out there have the teensy-lc?

Anyone out there have the teensy-lc? I’ve just checked in support for the teensy-lc and WS2812 style led chipsets. Assuming that I did this correctly, the FastLED 3.1 branch should now be fully supporting the teensy-lc. I can’t actually check the timing output with a scope for a couple of days, but running a test w/96 leds it appears to be working.

@PaulStoffregen I think this brings TeensyLC support into party with the teensy 3.0/3.1 support, as far as supported led chipsets.

I have to say, there’s some pretty nice work going on right there in that new code. And the future’s so bright, I gotta wear RGBshades…

Also, updated the nrf51 support so that WS2812 output on the nrf51822 has full support for dithering.

Oh, and latest FastLED3.1 branch also adds support for the Arduino Zero. (SPI is still bit-bang’d, instead of hardware, but i’m sure that’ll get fixed so

Any chance of supporting the particle photon?

Yes, I have a coupe here - I just haven’t had a chance to yet.