Anyone have information on how to do homing of two motor with two endstop

Anyone have information on how to do homing of two motor with two endstop for an Axis?

I wish to home the X and Y of my MPCNC.

I assume you want to home to min or max on any given axis

Yes, but I have two stepper per axis and I want to align both with two endstop so the axis is square.

The link doesn’t provide informations about this.

You’ll have to use a switch. The normal homing routine doesn’t support what your after as far as I know.

connects the endstop in series. In this way the two sensors will have to be activated so that the microprocessor receives the signal

You are looking for homing multi-motor axes:

this is what I was looking for ! Thanks :slight_smile:

Wish it was implemented like in Marlin… but I don’t want to go back to Arduino based board :frowning:

Well the fact it’s implemented this way is a bit more work, but it allows users to have many more ( and more complex ) setups, so that’s the smoothie way of doing it. We’ll likely be improving this a bit still by allowing users to override G28 and internal commands like it ( it’s on the todo list, don’t know if I can code it properly )