Anyone got Chromium browser on BB/B?

Anyone got Chromium browser on BB/B?

Yes through Arch Linux ARM…

so, not on Angstrom? Does the BBB come with it installed by default?

No, you need to install it manually. But probably easier than compiling from scratch :slight_smile:

I couldn’t find it for Angstrom BeagleBone Rev A6…

Arch Linux is not Angstrom. You would have to flash Arch Linux ARM first…

Right. Cheers :slight_smile:

BBB comes with Chromium.

I know for a fact that we have Chromium compiled for v7. IIRC even account sync works since we started using the new keys.

Yeah I thought it did from what I read. I was asking because I was interested in node-webkit and Appjs which use CEF. It seems there is dependency issues with node-webkit itself. In any case, I’ve decided on Qt and it’s webkit to display my HTML page.

It ships on every BeagleBone Black board. Runs out of the box.