Any progress on support for RGBW strips?

Any progress on support for RGBW strips?

Have you started on it yet, Christian? :slight_smile:

No, I haven’t yet started back up on doing major library work (and the RGBW support is a nearly complete library rewrite to fully support it).

@Jason_Coon thats way over my head lol

Ok i was just wondering cuz i really dont want to use the adafruit library as all the cool patterns i like are already in FastLED lol

@Daniel_Garcia the additional W (and WW) can be #ifdef’ed, right? I mean, I hope it won’t add more overhead for people with old fashioned RGB strips )

The rewrite, when I get back to it, will be more intelligent than that. You would use CRGBW objects instead of CRGB objects for your leds when setting things up if you want to write rgbw code - , if you pass CRGB objects to RGBW leds it will fill in for white, if you pass CRGBW objects to RGB strips it will quietly ignore the W. Basically, the library will just do the Right Thing™️, no matter what you give it.

Lol trade mark

@Cristian_Martinez Note that Daniel also has Bad Things™, which is what happens when you try to send data to a pixel that doesn’t exist. :wink:

Done that plenty of times lol

@Daniel_Garcia my only concern is, keep the library small and efficient. It is possible to use FastLED 3.1.6 with attiny85 (8K flash), and I hope it will stay that way (haven’t checked 3.1.8 yet).

@Kirill_Kolyshkin that has been my goal with the library for its entire life, and 8mhz avr will continue to be the floor target.

Great because Attiny85’s is 95% of what i use lol

It is possible, however, that rgbw and/or 16-bit rgb/rgbw won’t be supported on the tiny - I’m pushing the limit of what I can do in asm with rgb right now, using almost all the registers :slight_smile: we’ll see what happens when the time comes.

Also, honestly not sure why folks continue to use the attiny85 these days aside from stunt coding - you can get the lpc810 in the same form factor, for about the same price (maybe even a little cheaper now?) and that gets you a 32-bit arm platform ¯_(ツ)_/¯

For me, using attiny85-based boards like this ( and this ( for prototyping is cheap and efficient. Had to update micronucleus bootloader to get some 400+ bytes of flash, other than that it’s plug and play. I can’t find similar lpc810 based boards (surely can just place a chip into a breadboard but it’s a bit less plug and play in my book). In any case, thanks for the info, I may give it a try, too

Or be like me and design your own :slight_smile:
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