And it's gone. Srsly Ultimaker ​ you just killed it.

And it’s gone. Srsly @Ultimaker ​ you just killed it. There will be people that will pay that but not me. Ever. And neither schools. I will recommend the U1 Plus on any single day, but this… Nope

For the lazy, the price is 3900 €

@Anatoli_Schwartz from what I’ve heard, 3800 for Extended, 3k for the normal

It’s not priced, nor advertised, as being a home printer. It’s targeted at engineers and designers who would otherwise be buying a stratasys machine. At 3k that’s a steal if it performs comparably. Only real difference I see is the stratasys are heated enclosure and 10x10x10 build volume.

Yikes!!! I just converted the Krona to US dollars that’s nearly 5k USD

So to beat Makerbot they become Makerbot?

It’s 3600 Euro, not 3900. But still a lot…

Although it is marketed to professionals, it does not nearly get to that level. The hot swap nozzles are a very good idea but not completely new, otherwise it is a standard cartesian box frame printer with not much special. Certainly not worth the asking price considering it still looks like the standard acrylic frame.

There are other printers out there, catered to professionals for a similar or slightly higher price and they come with full heated enclosure, automatic motorised bed levelling,

I am not affiliated in any way, and only saw a review on Makers Muse for this. The Cubicon single is close to 3800 USD and has all the bells and whistles to the point where I imagine where 99% of prints can be completely fire and forget.

If I had that kind of money to splash on a 3d printer I would probably buy something like the Cubicon or similar design/professional printer.

I love how you’re all giving your opinion on something you haven’t even tried yet.

It’s like people who say they hate sushi but have never tried it.

We’ve had a beta test unit and while the price is high, the dual extrusion prints we’ve gotten off of it have been beautiful.

The 2+ isn’t going anywhere, either. They will continue to offer that for the foreseeable future.

Everyone needs to ease up with the speculation and assumptions.

Official pricing is 3599€ for the UM3, 4399€ for the UM3 Extended (including 19% VAT)

@Andreas_Kahler 3900 converted from SEKs on the page

Welcome to the internet :slight_smile:
It’s just that this basically is only an U2+ with added dual extrusion, network controllable via Cura (like my self-added Raspberry PI is providing but with an excellent webinterface) a camera (again, Raspberry PI) plus some (admittedly seemingly) minor modifications to the platform.

For the dual extrusion part, yes it looks nice. However, the dual extrusion solutions done by Prusa and BCN3D are also looking very nice and also are very uniqe to them (in a sense of: You can’t find these solutions that often, they’re by no means their own invention). Both are way cheaper and are still offering a comparable feature set.

So yes, the U3 will surely be a very nice printer producing very great results (dual extrusion or not).

However, there are companies producing printers for which this also is the case, which are also doing well & paying their employees but all of this with cheaper prices.
That, for me, is the very definition of “not worth the price”.

So to recap - I’m not lowering the work of Ultimaker in any sense, they’re doing great work, even providing desktop software for free which is used by other companies. Keep up the great work!
However, I think the price for this new printer simply is too high.

Thought experiment:

Assume the UM3 turns out to be the best dual extrusion printer on the market - and by a wide margin. It outperforms every other machine, is reliable, and precise.

Then is it overpriced?

Talking about price without mention of value is stupid.

I’ve been using the UM3 for a few weeks now, and it has been able to produce some incredible prints that are very difficult. There are very few, if any, printers currently available that can do what it can do, and with the features it has. That gives it value.

So fine, it’s overpriced for you, but to declare that it’s overpriced for everyone is pretty ridiculous.

$3500 in the US, $4200 for extended.

Our UM2+'s print very comparably to our Stratasys Dimension. If it had soluable support it would be damn near the same, minus the build volume.

I’ve never heard of a Cubicon, but I would have far more faith in Ultimaker than some new company to the scene claiming the world but being unable to deliver consistently. The ultimaker is also DiBond, not acrylic.

Holy shit, that pricetag… i just got into 3D Printing and always looked at Ultimaker as my goal filament based printer, moving to a Formlabs one as the next level. Why would I buy this if I can get a resin based system that provides even higher accuracy?

Feeder system sucks on UM2, I like the printer in general but the feeder is infuriating. If the UM3 is anything like that it will suck ballz.

@Mario_Hachemer ​ Stereolitography (SLA) and (multi-material) FDM are two different worlds with different limits, possibilities, material variety and target group of users.
(Btw: I have tested Form 2 for a video review and it is a beast.)

@Mario_Hachemer buy a Prusa Mk2 or an Ultimaker 1+

@Mario_Hachemer There are wayyyy more thermoplastics that you can print with than there are UV curable resins.

The main reason you would want/need an FFF style printer over an SLA printer is the material.

As dual extrusion gets better and more accessible, being able to print a rigid part with soft/flexible features is something you aren’t able to do with an SLA machine.
Composite materials are also FFF specific.

If you want to print strong, tough, durable, functional parts, chances are SLA won’t cut it for you.

If you need super high quality surface finish and accuracy, without much functional strength, then SLA is probably what you want.

@Gam3_0ver_Gam30ver that’s why the UM2 has been superseeded by the UM2+ which upgrades the feeder as well as the hotend.

Yes, the UM3 is targeted at processionals. It’s expensive. And we are not planning to stop producing the UMO+ or UM2+ as those all target a different market segment.

The head with dual nozzle system runs up to 350C while still printing perfect with PLA.
There is a specially engineered hotend for PVA in there, which we have been using to print PVA for more then a year now. And in all kinds of conditions. There is quite an engineering difference between doing an PVA print, and doing 1000+ hours of PVA printing.
The 2nd nozzle lifts to prevent oozing problems.

Network connectivity was engineered from the ground up, this to make it feel like a single product, instead of an “bolt on” solution.
I will publish our draft API description later on. We are still very much an open system.
I hope to back-port this whole stack to the UM2+ as well. But that will take some time.

Cura got major rewrite in a lot of parts to properly support dual material printing. Which is available for everyone.

The NFC tag system allows the printer to identify Ultimaker branded spools, but it’s by no means a lock in system. It’s just a easy of use thing, you can use whatever you want in it.

Yes, it’s expensive. But, it’s also expensive to build, it’s all quality parts.
The bed is also newer then the UM2+, it’s stiffer for better print results.

We’ve started to work on this machine after we launched the UM2. We where already working on it when we luanched the UM2go and UM2extended, as well as the UM2+. Which is why it visually isn’t that much difference from the UM2. In the details however, it’s a competely different machine.

Yes, schools will pay it. We’ve sold our educational package to schools for $4k+ on a more regular basis than normal printers. Never underestimate a government institution’s ability to spend money that isn’t theirs.