An affordable and super quick way to upgrade your K40 to the performance of

An affordable and super quick way to upgrade your K40 to the performance of Smoothie and free it to run LaserWeb, as the world intended!

Originally shared by Ray Kholodovsky (Cohesion3D)

Hey everyone,
The Cohesion3D ReMix and Mini Control boards powered by Smoothie are up for sale now at

A few of you have already tried out my Mini for Laser Bundle and more have theirs on the way.

We’ve made the simplest possible way to upgrade your K40 to the 32 bit performance of Smoothie - which does PWM calculations for laser power every step and throttles them based on acceleration - meaning you get a uniform cut every time and can do amazing rasters like the work you’ve seen from @Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty , @Alex_Krause , @Joe_Spanier , @Carl_Fisher and many other members of this group. Plus it frees you from the horrible stock CorelDraw application and lets you use open alternatives like LaserWeb to set up your cutting and engraving jobs!

The Mini is the same size and has the same mounting hole pattern as the stock M2Nano board, making the physical replacement a simple drop in. But it also the ribbon, power, endstop, and pwm connectors that we’ve seen in all the K40’s thus far, allowing anyone to swap some 4 or 5 wires and be up and running.
With the Mini Board, 2 Motor Drivers, a MicroSD Card loaded with the K40 Laser Config, and PWM Cable, this $99 Laser Bundle is an extremely simple and affordable way to upgrade your machine to take full advantage of its capabilities.