Aloha LW community! Machine set-up question here.

Aloha LW community! Machine set-up question here. I have not yet achieved PWM, but I know it’s close: When I run a job (I’m using LW4), on the field for the Z (laser) I it reads “NaN”. What does that mean please? No signal at all or maybe I have not filled in the settings properly under the CAM tab? Thank you for volunteering your time to answer this.

Nan is a minor bug. can you attach an screenshot?

I guess it could have something to do with missing or wrong “PWM MAX S VALUE” in settings/gcode.

Here it is…

Ok, that looks more like a USB communication error. Can you jog the Z-Axes? (try, even if no Z-Axes installed)

@cprezzi Not able to jog the Z. Laser test button does not activate the laser either. I AM able to jog the x & y axsiss. “NaN” only shows when running a job or jogging the X & Y, then it reads 0.00. I’m using JTech photonics product to drive the laser. They have a toggle switch on the board to go from continuous wave (always on) to PWM. I DO have the laser on when I use this manual toggle switch set to continuous wave. I will recheck the pins on the Smoothie Board. Thanks