All righty, wanted to build an ox since last January when the first build

All righty, wanted to build an ox since last January when the first build appeared, but just could not justify spending $150 for the plates people were charging back than to my wife. Smaller purchases $50-$60 are justifiable :D. So got my self a few V slots and steppers, however since there were no plates the project is on hold… I would love to get a set of plates to continue the projct and I will sure donate the first quality produced set myself when I’ll get there!

Thx Lee, time to get some missing parts than!

Lol yes :slight_smile: this’ll givr me some time to get the missing parts too.

Ox plates aren’t al in aluminium. Unless I’m mistaken, the OpenBuilds ones were some sort of phenolic resin.

It’s certainly a lot easier to mill than 6mm Aluminium.

I used the ROUTY build to mill my OX plates from garolite (phenolic plates)
I was able to do it by doing multi passes very slow at about 1/16 per pass.