Alarm RHS


I’m new in this amazing forum.

I upgraded my 5.5W laser machine from grbl 1 - arduino mega 2560 - ramps to grbl-hal - skr 1.3

I’m using bCNC and initially I get ALARM XYZRHS but I solved by connecting 6 NC optical switches. Now I get ALARM RHS but I not found info about this error.

What else could I try to stop the alarm from appearing? If you need more information I could share it.

Best regards


Terminal ouptup say this:
Ignoring machine stream request, because of state: Alarm False

I tried with $X but not works.

These are the grbl-hal settings:


I changed $10=510 to $10=3 and now only say ALARM, but $X not works.

what were you trying to change when you changed $10 from 510 to 3?

I usually think it’s a good idea to also see what the label for the setting are. Like in this post:

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I was trying this config where $10=3, I’ve change to 0 now. Enable WPos: Disable MPos: .

I solved changed $14=0 to $14=1

Now are in IDLE state.

Thank you for the help.

$14= default from INVERT_CONTROL_PIN_MASK.
Invert control input signals.

Bits 4 - 7 cannot be set with $14 when COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL > 1 or the driver does not support the input.

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Glad you found your problem. Hopefully the definition for what $14 means is accurate since a quick search for me turned up this from a 2020 discussion on DIY CNCs: $14=1 (auto start, bool)

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