A pogo pin and some scrap proto board...now I have a logic probe that

A pogo pin and some scrap proto board…now I have a logic probe that looks for an extremely specific protocol :slight_smile:

Hah! Brilliant!

Very cool! Is that a 33 ohm to the DIN? And how did you get leads on the 2811? Love to see an Instructable for that! :slight_smile:

330 ohm, and it’s just pieces of wire looped through the perf board and the WS2812B surface mounted on top. Wouldn’t recommend that approach though…solder on the back if you can!

Thanks! Looking at the picture on my phone I can see the brown on the resistor. Love it!

I managed to hand solder wires to a 3535 SK6812. Its not that hard but hokd on the caffeine till after you solder lol

Totally Brilliant!!!