A new way to print with clay! Potterware by Emerging Objects!

A new way to print with clay! Potterware by Emerging Objects!


That, hm, seems a bit pricey for what it is.

Idk how well this would sell. People that make pottery generally do it because they like to. This would give them something cool but takes all the fun out of the process. I doubt schools would use it either. Again, make cool stuff, don’t teach them how to actually make the stuff. Many schools are using 3D printers now anyway so a printer for pottery just doesn’t seem practical.

Man that looks like it could be a polished-up university computer science project. I mean it looks nice and slick but I wouldn’t want to be charging for educational use when someone in math and CS could conceivably make this software in a season and possibly demolish your business model.

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