A long overdue update of my Tria build that Alex Lee  and Eric Lien

A long overdue update of my Tria build that @Alex_Lee and @Eclsnowman have helped me so much with. For the past 2 days it was set up at the Midwest RepRap Festival (MRRF) getting some much-deserved attention next to the Herculien. It is unbelievably quiet, running on an Azteeg X5 Mini V2 at 1/32 microstepping with 400 steps/mm motors for motion and dampers on all the steppers. Motion is smooth and extrusion is perfected thanks to @Martin_Bondeus and the Bondtech extruder (5mm drive shaft on this monster). I’ve been amazed at the accuracy of the prints and ease of calibration, especially considering what I’ve heard of the difficulty others have had with Delta printers.

Your printers look absolutely amazing man! Thanks for taking the Tria Delta to MRRF.

Thank you @Alex_Lee for helping me get this printer built and running! It prints fast and immaculat

It was really nice meeting you @Zane_Baird and to see your amazing bust in bronze fill.

Like everything else you do Zane… your printer and prints looked amazing. The Bumblebee colored Tria Delta was running so smooth.