A GRADE CO2 Laser Engraver Cutter 3020- Iris UltraGlow Laser Engraver

Hello all,

Thank you for accepting me. I’m a newbie in the world of laser cutting and engraving. I have the above laser cutter / engraver but have lost the usb driver supplied with it. Can anyone point me to the right direction where I can get it from please? Also I would like to use light burn with it but the softwarre is not picking up the laser cutter. Which would be the closest comparable set up can I choose to make it work please. Many thanks

This appears to be a K40 type and they are generally not supported by Lightburn.

There are available plugin compatible boards that will allow Lightburn and other grbl controller software to operate.

What determines compatible Lightburn operability is the controller.

There are numerous boards that can be used as an upgrade in these.

First I’d suggest you open the electronics cabinet and determine what controller you currently have in it.

What software are you currently using?


Can you post a picture of the controller board and the front/top control panel?
With that we should know what controller in on the machine and the firmware on that will determine which software choices you have.