A bit of touch :)

A bit of touch :slight_smile:

Wonderful man!

Impressive work !!!

That is beyond awesome!!!

Love the music.

Wow!!! Great work!!

I need a code!)) Is this your app?

@X-WL1 it’s a web app that I have developed https://github.com/hpwit/paralleloutputdemo/tree/master/data look at the file paint.html in ‘data’ directory
and in https://github.com/hpwit/ledtable2 look at paint.h

@X-WL1 sorry the code is not really nice looking :slight_smile:

@Yves_BAZIN And really) Wait) And in code I found only 12 outs?

@X-WL1 what do you mean ?

@Yves_BAZIN you have only 12 outputs in the code.

@X-WL1 i don’t use the PINS_OUTPUT anymore I use PORT_MASK and NUM_STRIPS

@Yves_BAZIN it’s clear.

@Yves_BAZIN can you share the latest version with Artnet? She disappeared from git ??

@X-WL1 https://github.com/hpwit/artnet
here is it :slight_smile:

@Yves_BAZIN How stable is the wifi connection?

@X-WL1 what do u mean ?

@Yves_BAZIN Does esp handle such a large amount of packets? 48 * 30fps = 1440 packets/s.

@X-WL1 I use 35 artnets packets each 170 pixels
And yes it works fine