12v/54v Dual Voltage Question

Price/performance, the quintessential engineering trade-off.

You could trade off battery life for PoE with a boost converter if you wanted, but if runtime or low cost is your key consideration during an outage, then it would be a waste… :+1:

I’m interested to hear how the project works for you.

I could have mentioned that there are also active switching circuits that are more complex than an ideal diode that you could use. But again, from an engineering point of view additional complexity didn’t sound valuable.

And I’m a software developer, not an EE. :grin:

So far everything is working well. I ended up just using Schottky diodes, since I couldn’t find any pre-made ideal diode modules with high enough voltage/amp combinations. On the 12v side, my lowest reading is 11.8v and on the PoE power adaptor I’m down to just under 53v. Everything seems to be happy.

It’s a detailed project, and by far the most complicated cellular mobility box I’ve made.