You know the fun Adafruit 16-pixel LED rings? Well,

You know the fun Adafruit 16-pixel LED rings? Well, now they have rings with 24 pixels, too. So if you live in a country that still uses 12/24 hour time, these make it easier to make a clock!

The Arduino’s built in timer drifts too much to be a reliable clock, but you can add a Chronodot and keep great time. You could also use a Teensy3 and solder on a crystal and coin cell battery holder-- it’s got everything else needed for a realtime clock built in.

These rings use WS2812B pixels, and are fully supported by FastLED.

Ladyada really needs to stop making things I want. I may go broke buying all the cool new toys to play with! :slight_smile:

Hrm, I would’ve put the GND/VCC/DIN on one side of the ring and GND/VCC/DOUT on the opposite side to make it easier to daisy chain. But, that’s just me. Still cool.

I’m not pleased with the price, though. $20 for 8 more LEDs? When the 16-pixel one is only $10?

My guess is the cost of the slightly larger PCB also plays into the final price.

Agreed. Think how many 66mm circles you can cut from a square meter of PCB (250ish) vs 45mm circles (500ish).

There may also be some value pricing here. A 24-pixel ring is good for a clock, and lots of people use clocks. The 16-pixel rings are mostly ‘just’ decorative.

Lastly, I think they lowballed the price of the original rings. 62 cents per pixel is much less that they usually charge. Ten bucks for 16 pixels is a bargain. Twenty dollars for 24 pixels (83 cents per pixel) is more in line with their regular pricing.

Hmm. When you look at it from that angle, it makes sense. :slight_smile:

What country doesn’t use 12 or 24 hour time?

Well, you know how it is: time zones, the international date line, the metric system, all that. The last thing I want is to be the one guy at the party who’s reporting all his temperature measurements in Rankine degrees.

Or in other words, “Mark should probably finish drinking his coffee before he posts to the G+ group.”