Yes - we know that G+ is shutting down.

Again - images/video visible at the top level entry to the community is something we strongly want (and discourse lacks). If there is absolutely no option for this, we will look into other options - but we aren’t at that point yet.

There was another data leak, and moved the timetable for closing G+ up by 4 months to April 2019. That’s a little over 4 months from now.

Shutdown now in 90 days after another data breach. Let’s hope there’s going to be a good FastLED forum somewhere after that.

As the shutdown was just pushed 4 month earlier I suggest starting the migration to another platform now and not to wait until this communication media went offline. Many voices speaking about reddit here and the current owner of reddits FastLED community already expressed its interest and welcome to the users here. Plus there are a lot of other communities with related topics like electronics, software and more. So, let’s move on!

100 Subscribers on r/FastLED currently. Let’s add another zero this week! :slight_smile:

I’m leaning towards reddit at the moment - I’m going to take some time before the end of the year to do one more pass/review of options out there before making a final call in January.

Was a new home for fastled decided upon?

@Xerx1 Read the post right above yours from Daniel.

@Daniel_Garcia I’d Like to throw my hat into the ring, I know its a little late but I’d like to create a forum that is dedicated to LED’s Specifically the addressable ones. Would there be any interest of a member style forum with a google plus style feed to show work, a forum for questions and documentation and such?

@Brett_Hansen honestly, I’d prefer a community that’s connected to, or in the same place, as other communities (reddit, discord). That’s just IMHO.

However, let’s assume I’m the minority here. Would you be able to get something setup in the timeframe needed, with time to communicate to users before this forum shuts down? (so completed and ready something like 30 days before G+ shutdown)?

My biggest reason for my own preference is not wanting to add yet another site to my list of places to go and feeds to aggregate.

I just started using @Louis_Beaudoin 's and I quite like it. Afterall FastLED and SmartMatrix are close cousins. I’m happy to chip in money for the professionally hosted version. Afterall nothing is free, either it’s ads and lost privacy, or it’s for pay, or it’s free and then disappears.

Project imagery/videos visible on the top level is important for us - which is why we’re leaning towards Reddit.

@Daniel_Garcia fair enough. is not ideal, but it does do that.
Sadly it lacks mentions that will ping me, doesn’t it?
I guess nothing will check all the boxes, and of course staying on G+ is not an option, but a solution that doesn’t allow +foo to ping someone who knows about something but isn’t going to keep reloading a page, or even reload it at all most of the time, is not ideal either IMO.

(Also I have a requirement for real mobile app access - which again is something that reddit offers)

@Daniel_Garcia not negating that mobile requirement. I don’t otherwise use reddit, especially on my phone. Will it ping me? If not, for me (and that may not be for you), being mobile enabled won’t do me any good because I won’t see updates until I eventually reload on my computer at some point later.
slack fulfills the mobile requirement and ping requirement, but it probably doesn’t do a good job of threads I assume? Also it may just be invite only which wouldn’t been good for a public community.
Sigh, this is not easy :-/

Slack is more conversational, less forum-y - and is $5/month per user if you want history - and forget being discoverable via web searching

@Daniel_Garcia yeah, a total no go then :frowning: So basically reddit is the least bad solution and lose + mentions/pings. Correct?

Also Reddit it appears does do notifications for “mentioned you in a comment” - I’ve got notifications for that in my reddit history

@Daniel_Garcia cool, then my bad, I need to learn how to use it better (I hope it can Email you or pop up a phone notification, will check it out)

One more note on Discourse: you can use a plugin that gives rudimentary image thumbnails next to the topics on the top level. Not sure about video.