Wow, talk about timing, with +Mark Wheadon awesome posts on #VelocityPainting, I might have to try it out…
I feel like a little kid, when my MakerBox arrives every month…
Wow, talk about timing, with +Mark Wheadon awesome posts on #VelocityPainting, I might have to try it out…
I feel like a little kid, when my MakerBox arrives every month…
Interesting looking filament! What slicer do you use? It would be quite straightforward to setup a test cylinder with bands at different speeds in simplify3d for example.
I just started using Simplify3D a few weeks ago, and so far I am extremely happy with the investment.
@PrintinAddiction me too
There’s stuff I miss from slic3r and so occasionally I use slic3r, but yes – most of the time Simplify3D is the dog’s whiskers.
Ok, first test I bumped the temp 5 degrees every 10mm, I don’t see much of a difference except possibly the slightest increase in shine the hotter it went. I then realized that the cooling fan might be playing a part as you can see the lines in the process changes as the fan was off for the first layer of each.
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Ok, so changing just the temp doesn’t seem to have much effect on the glossiness of the print, this one (left) was printed without the cooling fan, notice there are no longer lines between the process changes.
The one on the left is the new print without the cooling fan, and it failed because the filament got tangled.
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This print I bumped the speed +5 mm/sec every 10 mm, there is ever so slight banding, but it is very subtle.
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This print alternated between 30 mm/s to 65 mm/s every 10 mm
The effect is a much more noticeable, but still only at certain angles.
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FWIW the effect in the translucent filament I’ve been using looks subtle on a test cylinder as well. I suspect that much differentiation will look good. Pretty much any surface effect will only show up at certain angles to the light, but that can be pleasing in practice.
The hardest part is finding the workable range of speeds for each material, they all behave differently.
I was experimenting with 10 speed painting to try to find what works, also the difference has to be quite big for the effect to be more that a different glint in the light… 1800mm/s is too fast for this PLA
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My wood texture didn’t really work out, but will try with slower speeds and multiple walls…
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I’m starting to think based on my experiments this weekend that two levels is about it if you want any clarity.