Worked some more on my Rostock Max.

Worked some more on my Rostock Max. Had to redo my tower height, endstop calibration, extruder estep calibration, concavity. I hope my next print is better. Slic3r seems to have a problem calculating a proper extrusion width and having the drawn lines connect though…of course that may be my filament not expanding as much as Slic3r thinks it should.

Try kisslicer. It doesn’t care about nozzle diameter, just the volumetric flow required to create a certain path width/height. You can dial this in by doing a 100% infill cube and then tweek the flow multiplier until the lines of the infill just touch. Retract settings etc much the same as slic3r. It also does much better supports.

I suppose I could also lie to Slic3r and tell it I have a 0.4mm nozzle instead of a 0.5mm nozzle.

yes, that kind of works but it kicks other things out of wack - you are better off changing the extrusion multiplier but I found that still caused isses - Slic3r jsut doesn’t seem to accomodate for die-swell very well.


Ok. I just googled it. Interesting.

Yeah, that’s why nozzle diameter can be misleading as a setting.

So “dangling extrusion width” might be a more accurate setting…lol Or they could add in “swell” to the filament settings on Slic3r.

Yeah. tbh Nozzle diameter should really just be a good place to start for minimum path widths, everything else can be handled by volumetric flow rates and print speeds.

An extrusion multiplier of 1.1seems to work a bit better. I may have to adjust the number a little bit though since I have lines that are either an excess of overlap or not enough filament in that spot. It will be easier to tell after I clean by glass again.