With the release of the movie last week everyone I know, wants a baby groot. So I decided to print him in different wood filled filaments and compare the results.
In the picture with all of them lined up, from left to right it’s:
Push Plastic
FormFutura EasyWood
Polymaker Polywood (& Hatchbox for the head I ran out of filament)
MG Chemicals
Colorfab Bamboofil
Please note that these were all printed with similar settings, and were not individually tweaked to get the best results.
With post processing they all came out pretty even.
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I need to try myself. I have some laywood here which has imho the unique feature that you can control the darkness with temperature. So you can generate some variations.
Oh could you please give your layer height and nozzle size? Which model did you use? Scaled ?
@Carsten_Wartmann The BambooFill has that property also, but it can be very hard to work with at higher temps, and I usually end up with a clogged extruder when I try to play around with temps.
These were done on 3 different printers, but all were .4 nozzle, .3mm layer height. If you are using Simplify3D check out @3D_Printing_Nerd video on seperating the mesh for better printing plus it has the link to the model… https://youtu.be/-1tfEXRXoMo
I think I scaled it at 40-50%
BambooFill is one of my favorite filaments to print with. I generally print no slower than 50 mm/s at a steady temp and use dwell time with speed to change the tint of the burn.
@Jeff_Parish Once I found out the trick, which it not to let it sit in the hotend for to long as it will over-cook and change into a tar like consistency, I was able to print with it no problem. I think I printed it at 60mm/s, the finish was nice and dark, I would say the second nicest finish. To me, the Push Plastic had the nicest finish out of the bunch, it appeard to have a wood grain texture to it, with a slight sheen, making it most resemble real wood. Most of the other materials looked like mdf, or compressed cardboard.
Printed two in Laywood, 50 and 80mm high. Small one is oiled, “big” one just sanded and brushed.
I needed to glue the big one together because my nozzle (0.4mm on Original Prusa i3 mk2) clogged two times… I am clueless what to to (besides using a bigger nozzle). Retract setting are quite smooth and slow. Maybe I try without retract at all… But maybe it is also the not so consistant filament diameter.
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