With the print resume option,

With the print resume option, 45 hours of print was saved two times from the power outage. Cool function

Ciao quale firmware utilizzi??

Marlin 1.1x. Actually this is the option of MKS Gen + TFT

Display looks great where did you order it? Can you hook up whit any board?

@Benjamin_Lukman Thanks. Its MKS TFT 3.2". Easily available in Aliexpress.
This one is original : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/CE-RoHS-3D-Printer-splash-screen-MKS-TFT32-touch-screen-smart-controller-display-3-2inch-support/32808866999.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.1.735a41a1Pxu3gh&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4_10152_10151_10065_10344_10068_10342_10343_10059_10340_10341_10696_100031_10084_10083_10103_10618_10624_10307_10623_10622_10621_10620,searchweb201603_51,ppcSwitch_5&algo_expid=c902d286-5a1c-40e2-8c4b-e4352250c136-0&algo_pvid=c902d286-5a1c-40e2-8c4b-e4352250c136&priceBeautifyAB=0

In my case when a power outage occurs, there is some oozing while the power is down. Creating a large blob of plastic where it stopped. How did you solve this? Does it just print over the blob of plastic?

@Mano_Biletsky_Open_M It creates a blob. If you watch the video closely, I have used the cutter to trim the excess material on the top of the print.

3D printed housing may be coming to a neighborhood someday soon near you.