Windows users - be careful about updating your FTDI driver if you are fond

Windows users - be careful about updating your FTDI driver if you are fond of no-name arduino boards:

Yep, I’ve had some issues with this cause I like to save money. Makes me wonder if I really save in the end, haha

Ended up rolling back my FTDI driver to an older version. If you have USB issues with a no-name chip I recommend trying this first before giving up

Ouch. It actually bricks the chip.
(resettable through a very annoying process, but still…)

I’d be pretty choked with anyone who intentionally bricks my hardware; clone or not.

This makes me think of the anti-spam blacklists that intentionally list entire netblocks as spam, to intentionally inflict collateral damage on the ISP’s legitimate customers in hopes of pressuring them to remove spammers from their networks.

First, DRM on audio and video has made 1/2 my iTunes library of legally purchased music disappear. Now this.

I installed the FTDI drivers on my Mac to try and get the RFduino working (but I think in the end it turned out to be a problem with Arduino IDE versions.) Very pleased I uninstalled them. Do you think they pulled this stunt with the Mac drivers too?

FTDI has backtracked and removed the controversial update from Windows Update: