Why does LaserWeb & Pronterface work with my (TH3d-Marlin) Cr10 S5's USB connection and Lightburn+laserGRBL refuse?

I’ve been struglging with this for about a week now, and I have read through lots of notions- usually having to do with the Ch340 driver and various workarounds. I’ve used Zadig, I’ve tried all the USB choices in laserGRBL, I’ve changed the serial port #. I’ve messed up windows drivers and finally recovered back to the starting line.
I bought Lightburn years ago and it works but only through the microSD card- same with laserGRBL. So of course its an awkward hassle to laser things but it can be done.
I just spent a lot of effort renovating the machine and would love to finally sort this detail out. I’m back to the starting arrangement now- and two usb interfaces that work are Pronterface and laserWeb. I’m grateful for laserWeb since I now have one thing that works but I would love to know what it is they they and pronterface are doing interface-wise that others are not. Anyone have an idea?

You might start by stating what LightBurn does and doesn’t do and by looking at the Console in LightBurn and post what it shows when you’ve reset the controller board, ie the start-up output of the firmware.

You could also check whether Meerk40t works — it supports a couple different kinds of drivers on Windows.

Ultimately, I’d say for understanding why Lightburn doesn’t work, it would make sense to ask for support on the Lightburn forum; Lightburn not being open source does limit third-party helpfulness on understanding what precisely is wrong.

Thanks! I did write on the lightburn group and received a few ideas but so far no conclusive solution. I watched a video on Meerk40t just now and had never heard of it- looks cool! Hopefully its one of the ones that works*!
*for still mysterious reasons.

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Hey! Im back and tinkering again- so far no luck with Meerk40t, but also finding it fairly odd configuration-wise. I don’t see an input for specifying a COM port only that I’m looking to interface via “USB” and “Lihuiyu”- is what I think it’s calling my USB device…? Maybe? I’m not sure if that name is default or if its actually communicating and that’s what it thinks it is. Either way, so far not able to jog around yet.

Update: I did find where I can enter/choose a COM port- looks like there are a ton of different choices, but also looks like most have to do with machine specs rather than communication configs. So, I’ll spend some more time exploring this but so far it seems like it will be another no. :frowning: Thank goodness for Laserweb haha…