Who is owner/maintainer for this group? Can you rename it DIY UAVs?

Who is owner/maintainer for this group?
Can you rename it DIY UAVs?
The increasing number of people who are just spamming any group with ‘drone’ in the name with non DIY multirotor stuff, is getting more than annoying, to the point that I’m on the verge of leaving this group.
The last one, doesn’t even seem to speak english.
Removing ‘drone’ from the name would most likely fix the problem.

It’s the same guy. Mho he and others like him should be kicked off the g+ systems for posting off topic or/and general harassment.

I’m the owner of the group, but must admit I never check it. Can I transfer the ownership to you?

Could you add moderators (co-pilots)? Not necessarily asking to be one but, you would not have to be the only one that could care for the community health.

@Chris_Anderson1 if you’d like, sure. Hopefully the UI allows renaming it :slight_smile:

I’ve promoted both of you to Moderators. Let me know if that does the trick

Thanks @Chris_Anderson and thanks for changing the group description, this should fix most of the problems of people wanting to post their off the shelf drone videos.

aaand, all the crap has been cleaned and the 3 repeating spammers, banned.

Thanks guys! I’m glad there are people to take care of the group.

“DIY Flying Robots” is pretty good. “DIY UAVs” might be better.

@Robert_Moore Chris Anderson picked “flying robot” over “UAV”, so I left that, but I agree with you so I added UAV in the title

Mho ‘drones’ is a buzz word now… That is part of the reason i originally jumped onboard. ‘Flying robots’ i contend will not have the same effect.

True, but “I just bought a drone, and here are my drone videos” was the original problem :-/

The problem ‘was’ one person takes offense to a word or word usage and makes a big stink over it. He could have politely objected(once) and moved on, but he insisted to cream-pie everyone in the face.

Therefore we now as moderators must act as cops and remove him.

There were 3 actually, and I did remove them all.

@Marc_MERLIN well done.