Who has a good algorithm or working code for a collision detection check with

Who has a good algorithm or working code for a collision detection check with a tool that has a volume and shape?

there are three-axis (Z-projection and XY-projection) cutter-projection algorithms in opencamlib. These project a cutter (cylinder, sphere, toroid, cone) onto a triangle. CAD models are input as “bag of triangles” i.e. STL. In principle it’s possible to compose any (convex) cutter-shape from the basic shapes.

For “3+1” or “3+2” type of toolpaths where there is actually no simultaneous 4/5-axis movements it would be straightforward to extend opencamlib so that the STL-model is rotated before a 3-axis cutter projection is done.

simultaneous 4/5-axis is harder. please do share your ideas!