Who did acustic measurements of his/her printer? Mine is very silent, but how loud/silent is your printer?
In the video, the “soundmeter” is placed 50cm away from the printer (it is a DICE), it does flex-material with 50mm/s and 8000mm/s² acc (because of that you hear these ticking noises).
Originally shared by René Jurack
You (don’t) hear the DICE printing with 50mm/s - 8000mm/s² #secondDICEupdate
Couldn’t say with mine, The #AX-02 is probably the quietest, due to the SD5948 drivers, the original #FB2020 is probably the loudest due to the PSU fan not being temp controlled, but get all 4 of my printers running at the same time, it’s much of a muchness they’re gonna be loud due to fan noise. The Smoothie based printers seem to be quieter than the last Marlin one.
Sound level measurements should always be done at a 1m distance
I include the volume measurement in most of my reviews - most printers are between 50 and 60dB(A), anything higher is too loud, anything lower is bearable to have in the same room in my opinion (at least when it comes to noise)
So, every 10dB it feels like double the loudness, iirc. That means most printers with 50-60dB are double to four times as loud as the DICE
That is nice to know 
I have not tried to make my printer quiet. I have taped over the hole on a little microphone and recorded it though. I think you can use the bass noises from a printer for debugging and monitoring. Unfortunately for me, my cooling fan is a bit too noisy for that now.
@NathanielStenzel you could easily filter out frequency ranges with Audacity or Adobe Audition - maybe even just use the spectral display to visualize it?
@Thomas_Sanladerer probably. I was not using any filters else than tape over the air hole of the plastic encased microphone.
@Rene_Jurack Have you ever considered creating DICE XL with the same low noise level (even 30-40 dB would be still impressive)? My modded a little bit (added Astrosyn damper on each stepper motor) Rostock Max v1 is still noisy - above 50 dB.