When I download K40 Whisperer for Windows and try to unzip it,

When I download K40 Whisperer for Windows and try to unzip it, I keep getting an error that says it is not a valid archive. Any ideas?

32 or 64 bit? windows?

you can try extracting with 7zip if you haven’t already. i never liked the embedded zip utilities in Micro$oft Windoze.

Try downloading it again. Something may have gone wrong with the first download.

Thanks. I am doing the 64 bit version. The computers here at school have an old version of Winzip. I’ll try 7zip.

So it seems that the problem is that it is not downloading the complete zip file. I’ve tried a bunch of times and and the file being downloaded is only 1kb. Could that be due to our school’s firewall? I have not seen this problem before when downloading files!

You could try a right clicking on the link and select “save link as” or a similar option depending on the browser you are using. You could also try a different browser. (e.g. Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.)

I tried that already. Very strange. The IT department is trying to figure it out

Found out that our gateway is saying it is a Trojan, that’s why it is blocking it. Any ideas?

try it from here. i uploaded it to my server. if that doesnt work you may have to download it from another location or network

as a last resort: try downloading this “png image”. it IS the zip file but i renamed it to make it look like a picture. download it and change the name to “whisper.zip” and it should be recognized as a zip file again so you can extract it. if not you will have to go on another outside network to get it

Some anti-virus programs don’t like programs built using py2exe which is how the executable is made.

  1. You can install Python (and the required libraries) and run it that way but that is much more work.

  2. I would guess your IT guy could get the executable downloaded if he was sure there isn’t a virus but I am not sure how you go about convincing someone of that.

  3. You can use LaserDRW. It does work. (It might be interesting getting that installed with your anti-virus software.)

  4. Upgrade to a different controller board so you can use other software.

@Tech_Bravo_Tech_Brav Thanks. That worked!

@Robert_Curtis you are very welcome. from my server or the rename?

Sorry to ask for so much help, but I am doing the Windows install and the Zadig download is being blocked. Would you be so kind as to post this as well. like you did with Whisperer?

@Tech_Bravo_Tech_Brav your server!

Sorry just saw the issue you had with the driver. Do you still need it?

here is the win7+ zadig driver zip: http://techbravo.net/k40_share/zadig-2.3.exe.zip

@Tech_Bravo_Tech_Brav Thanks!

You are welcome