Things of note from
@easytarget has a reference to a separate
Things of note from package.js:
@malcolmmp has imports-loader, lw.comm-server, npm-run-all, react-hot-loader, script-loader, snap-svg, webrtc-adapter instead of webpack-merge in devDependencies.
dependencies section from @malcolmmp: bootstrap-range-input, dxf-parser, hoek, immutability-helper, object.omit, unicode, vectorize-text
dependencies section from my copy: bootstrap-range-input, dxf, json-stringify-safe, markdown-loader, object.omit, package.json, prop-types, script-loader, snapsvg-cjs, string-loader, webpack-cli
Of course, our scripts section is different. I simply made a simple change to make the environment setup a bit easier and @malcolmmp seems to have spent time to polish it. The copy from him seems to be set up to start either part of the software individually or all at the same time.
I tried to do the “npm run installdev” inside the folder of his fork and it crapped out on the node_modules/@serialport/bindings section and beyond. Some of this is gyp lines. There was a prebuild-install command call that was the first main thing to fail.
I tried copying over the document generation part from @malcolmmp 's package.js but it seems to add a requirement of jsdoc-toolkit. I do not know if we want that requirement or if there is a node package we could add to the dependency list or if we should skip it. It seems it also would involve his node_modules/ink-docstrap/template and jsdoc.json. I could not get that build environment to work for me so I could not proceed further investigation into the javascript documentation generation.
Since git has submodules and npm has the ability to include things via git, I am not sure which route is the best, but there is lw.machines, lw.materials in submodules, a number of things in npm git pulled dependencies and @malcolmmp has the lw.comm-server in the npm git pulled dependencies too.