What is the newest j-head hotend that you can buy and where can I buy one. I looked it up and it said the MK8 but i wasnt really sure. If you do put a link up wouldnt mind if you or know someone that bought one that could give me a review on it
The official source is http://hotends.com. J-Head Mk V-BV is the current model.
Ok sounds good thanks for the info going to buy it know @Whosa_whatsis
MK8 is something very different, I think it is an unofficial evolution of a Makerbot hot end and extruder assembly.
Hotends.com is a better design, IMO, and is genuine original J-Head by the original designer. There are way too many inferior copies out there. while they’re not all bad, sometimes it’s easiest to go with the genuine original.
@Jeff_DeMaagd , there is indeed a mk8 J-head. Look on the wiki. looks like it’s not for sale yet though. http://reprap.org/wiki/J_Head_Nozzle#Mk_8