What do I need to do to get my new Panelolu2 work with my

What do I need to do to get my new Panelolu2 work with my PrintrBoard rev. D?! I have the adapter (v 0.1) When plugging it into EXP2 then the LCD in the adapter the only thing that happens is thet the LCD lights up. No letters/numbers :frowning:
The description where I bought it states;
“Connect LCD to the “EXP2” slot on Printrboard.”
But the exp2 slot has 7x2 plugs, ant the connector has 6X2…

Any ideas?! :slight_smile:

Have a look at my article - it might give you some ideas.


It sounds like you need to adjust the PB firmware and reflash to enable LCD. My article has all the info, but if anything is unclear just ping me and I can try and help.

@Colin_Bell Thanks, Ill try and let you know how it works out :slight_smile: