What are some of the better hotends right know looking for a upgrade

What are some of the better hotends right know looking for a upgrade

E3D seems to be the de facto standard. That and the genuine j-head from http://hotends.com

I have a j-head right know it seems to work just fine. The only problem I’ve had with it is the filament seems to curl after it comes out

+1 on the E3D, been a good move for me at least

Really the only two I’d ever recommend to anyone is the J-Head (the genuine one), and the E3D. And if you’ve already got a J-head, the best reason to move to an E3D is some of the awesome filament types available to you right now like Nylon, Polycarbonate, etc.

+1 with @ThantiK , could not agree more

Hum ok that’s good to know. I have been thinking of trying out some nylon so might have to look into the E3D

I think you can do nylon with a j head. I think it’s just polycarbonate, and some of the more exotic filaments that you need the all metal for. I say this because my friend keeps trying to get me to put nylon into our replicator 2x

@Eric_Moy i have printed nylon long before my first E3D came with j-head. J-head is safe up to about 260 with some cooling maybe even more.

I’m a US distributor of the E3D - http://www.filastruder.com/products/all-metal-e3d-hotend - let me know if you have any questions!

So I’m really likeing this idea of the E3D print head and I’ve noticed that it should work with a gregs wade extruder. Does anyone know of a better extruder design. My last one which was a gregs wade would strip out every once and while and had to clean it out. Its not a big deal to clean it out im just getting ready to build a new printer and trying to get the latest parts

If your extruder is stripping, generally it’s a problem with the hot end, tension on the idler, or the hobbed bolt/drive gear…not the design of the extruder.

I’ve gotten it to work most of the time like 85% and never had a problem. Just wasn’t sure if anyone has improved on the design