We've got multiple awesome slicers, firmwares, hosts, electronics..

We’ve got multiple awesome slicers, firmwares, hosts, electronics… Someone please employ this man to develop an open parametric CAD for 3D printing and general design. And pay @Mark_Moissette_ckaos well for his skills dammit!

Originally shared by Mark Moissette (ckaos)

Annotations, size, distance, thickness, angle, diameter measurement,
coming soon on @YouMagine 's 3d viewer!

Side note, I am having a maths overdose : quaternions, euler angles, vectors, offsets, parallel vectors, transformation matrices etc just to display dimensions in a coherent, and universal way (arbitrary positions, angles, etc)

This tool applies to existing designs (it is easier for a program do to something systematically than to ask people to do it beforehand) :wink:
And, well, some CAD software like Openscad do not help at all for such features (btw which dimensions are the right ones to chose?)

It is especially handy for people like me who suck at documenting anything.

Dimensioning doesn’t seem to be something a hobbyist does unless they have no other choice. Dimensioning a 3D object can be tricky in the best of cases too.