Well, ladies and gentlemen...it was nice knowing all of you here on G+ Maybe

@Jeremie_Francois export, import to a self hosted WordPress or Blog of your choice, RSS and let’s build a syndicate platform

K40 laser community, also keep me in in the loop to find a good way to save and share all the good info accumulated over the years. thank you.

a central page with all the future links to each future community would be nice. to keep in touch.

I have read most of you, and appreciated your posts (via g+ aggregator), doing it manually will be fastidious.

If you want to increase the userbase in a 3rd party social platform then you would need to provide something else of value. For example, entice people to write articles for free.

I’m thinking something like hackaday with better social media capabilities and tie-in. I like card layout a lot more that threads. So in this context you would have a dedicated stream for more professionally written content, then the general categorized streams that would be like how google plus works.
I doubt something like this exists, but having that extra content would bring in more users and contributors. I would certainly like to contribute more professional content and organized idead. And I think there are a lot of active users here who are very good at providing meaningful content and dialog that is useful to novice, intermediate, and advanced users.

It’s a shame because I follow people here found through 3dp for their other projects and interests too. A 3dp forum or Reddit group would lose that. Also starting a forum or Reddit thread seems more heavyweight than a quick g+ post. And g+ has a good app while Tapatalk sucks…
But I don’t have much in the way of ideas…

As random other alternatives, there is the OpenBuilds forums: https://openbuilds.com/forums/
Which has sections for 3D printers and 3D print projects. So should suit most of us DIY-ers.

There is the Ultimaker forums, running since the beginning of the 3D printing hype. But associated with Ultimaker. https://community.ultimaker.com/
Still welcome for anyone, but no SSO. (We started on google groups, but moved away from that due to spam and the horrible interface, we have been trough different forum software, but all post have been migrated)

@Daid_Braam OpenBuilds never even crossed my mind. They seem pretty neutral grounds as far as ‘manufacturers’ go. They also cover lots of different machine types; 3D printers, lasers, CNCs, etc. I think a lot of what drew people to G+ was the whole cards format (someone else defined it as “Picture + Teaser Blurb”).

Honestly, that or the RepRap forums seem the best place, with the problem being that a lot of people don’t like the ‘forum’ layout.

Are the RepRap forums welcoming in terms of discussion of non-RepRap machines? Likewise, are the OpenBuilds forums welcoming in discussing things that don’t use their product?

I made a MeWe account and looked through the most popular groups and it’s like 80-90% conservative, alt-right, and conspiracy theory subjects. (Q-anon, pro-Trump groups, homesteading, guns, prepping, 9/11 truthers, flat earthers, anti-vaccine, etc.) Also a lot of regular old-people stuff like embroidery, which is amusing. Honestly, I don’t think 3D printing fits in very well, but I don’t suppose it matters to us what any other groups are doing.

(I am not trying to make value judgments here and don’t want to talk politics in this thread – I am just making an observation that a lot of people may find noteworthy.)

@ThantiK I think I would want to know a tiny bit more about OpenBuilds’ financial status before going whole-hog over there… just because there is so much “creative destruction” in this market. Imagine if we had all set up shop on a Printrbot forum last year?

@Stephanie_A I think this is an excellent idea, as you say, to give it some ground to attract more people than something that would restart with random posts. High quality sticky post that kind of summarize what have been said in other media like G+ would make it stand out compared to the many options with no easy winner

We should think about compiling this Communities best rated threads into a FAQ or something like it, but this would highly depend on having an API that can be read. Wouldn’t do this by hand

@Daniel_Bull @Christopher_Gaul i guess its time to fall back to rss feeds again :wink:

My thought exactly, everyone, grab a self hosted blog and let’s syndicate

@Nils_Hitze you can just look for any thread that I commented in and you know it’ll be the best, haha.

@Anton_Fosselius yeah we could use Google Reader! …oh wait

@Nils_Hitze It would be great if there was a platform where you could funnel a bunch of disparate blogs via RSS into an interface like this, with seamless comment synchronization, without changing interfaces or requiring a different login, and the ability to moderate posts at the aggregator. That’s something that doesn’t exist AFAIK, and even then you would still want the ability to post natively from that interface without setting up an outside blog and getting the aggregator to add it to the feed, so what you’d end up with would be a vanilla social network platform with automated blog post resharing, which sounds a lot less appealing.

I hope that will not be Facebook… that had way more security breaches than one can count and they didn’t bother to shutdown :slight_smile:

https://restoreprivacy.com/google-alternatives/ recommends:

https://forum.toms3d.org is live now btw