well i guess i said waa hoo to soon,
i now have stepper action but can not run a program.
as a test i loaded a very simple program (box)
the simulator runs the program fine
and when i click the arrow to run the program it says loaded to buffer or to arduino but the program does not start?
once again stumped
Can you jog your Grbl device? It looks like it’s in pause mode or something. What bothers me is if you uploaded 8 lines your buffer shows 0 in the SPJS widget right below the baud rate.
jog works on the stepper motor, and i sent a gcode thru the serial port and the stepper moved. but to run a program , it says its loading to buffer but nothing happens. if the board is on pause, how do you un pause it?
If you can jog and send manual serial port commands in the lower left Serial Port Console window your board is not in paused state. What happens if you reload CP and then hit play?
when i reload program start arrow is grey, hi stop, the start arrow turns black, hit start the tool head moves from zero to the part and stalls. the stepper motor does not move and none of the check marks in the program window turn black they remain grey. when you load the program isn’t the first program line check mark black. mine is still grey
If you reload CP and the play button is gray then that makes absolutely no sense at all. Did you write some kind of startup macro that tries to play something immediately or something?
i did a simple circle in cad
generated gcode using cambam
and loaded into chilipepper
also in note pad i created this
as a test
G01 Y25 F200
saved and dragged to chilipepper
did the same thing
i only have y axes stepper motor connected, should that mater?
new info,
when i hit the stop , the start turns black
in the display i watched the head movement real close
and it is running the program in a blink of a eye.
in the display, the head moves from zero to the end point of the machining really fast, so i think the program is running but in ultra speed, is one of my settings that could do that?
Why don’t you just run the ChiliPeppr logo? You can reload it by picking it from the file load pulldown in upper left corner of CP.
ran the logo, i jumped to 6 different positions and ended
Sounds like you’ve never actually configured your Grbl device then, which means none of this is ChiliPeppr, rather your config on your firmware.
is that the screen you pull up in chilipepper to set the steps/mm?