Vocabulary question

I’d like to buy online something but I don’tknow how it’s called. Even in French, it’s difficult.
What is the name of the helicoidal plastic rubber protection put around some electric wires ?

I’ll try to add some pictures later…
Thanks for your help

“Spiral wire loom” is the term I know. There may be others?


This stuff?


That’s it,thank you both. You’re great!

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There is spiral wrap but also wire loom (which is not helicoidical)


Yeah I’ve seen both loom and wrap used for the spiral. Almost always “split loom” for the stuff with a straight slit cut in the side.

In general, a wire loom is a bundle of loose wires that is potentially more complex than a harness, but by extension is one of several kinds of wrapping to prevent chafing and/or neaten the bundle as well.


I became curious and looked at amazon.fr and it’s clear that at least the sellers there don’t have a single term of art for this in French, either. A bunch of the names are in franglish. A selection of the names that look more French than franglish: gérer cordon, câble spirale, spirale gestionnaire, gérer câble, cordon ordinateur gérer

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Actually, it’s more nonsense obtained via automatic translation. “gérer” is the verb “to manage”, which has no connection with a spiral rubber protection for cables…
This word “gérer” appears very frequently in the descriptions of articles on Aliexpress or Amazon, don’t know why…


I agree that it is probably an automatic translation problem, but it seems that this does fall into wire / cable management.

I have been saying for a few years now that using Google effectively feels like being a wizard. It is magical if you know the correct words to use in your incantation. :wink:

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C. Clarke.


Speaking of magic.

My new hearing aid translates on the fly … no joke!


Whoa, that’s so cool.


What if you lose or you’re fly dies?

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If the fly dies I will just tie another one…


This sounds amazing. How does it choose the correct language? More details, make etc please.

There is a screen in the phone app where you set the from-to languages.
I think it simply used the phone as an intermediary to do translation because I had to provide my Google account to use it.

It does not change languages on the fly…