Upcoming SPJS 1.81 with TinyG G2 auto-detection via analyzing USB data.

Upcoming SPJS 1.81 with TinyG G2 auto-detection via analyzing USB data. If you go get yourself an $18 Arduino Due, load the G2 firmware, and toss your Gshield on it, you’ll get this sexy alternate looking listing in the serial port list instead of a boring “/dev/ttyUSB0.” The reason is that G2 creates 2 ports–1 for control and 1 for data. ChiliPeppr will auto-route to the correct port for best performance.


Too cool.

The defining point - just ordered a Due :slight_smile:

@Michael_Jacobsen While waiting for DUE’s arrival, I suggest a review of the G2 wiki at https://github.com/synthetos/g2/wiki . I also suggest you get your host system ready to clone the github site and get ready to build your FW. G2 EDGE is updated frequently, binaries are not posted so local build is essential.

Can’t wait to try it. Have a Due and shield on its way now.