Uh.. What?? What's with the expensive production value and tone? So bad and shocking,

Uh… What?? What’s with the expensive production value and tone? So bad and shocking, or is this a joke? I feel bad for the Peachy backers… Wow.

The write-up on their site seemed a bit over the top as well; taking the time to make all those graphs and timelines.

I can only assume he wants these things to look professional and impressive when he invariably ends up in court.

As a former graphic designer and visual effect artist, I can tell you right now those graphics did not come cheap. Why waste backers money on graphics on how they wasted their money? It’s madness.

Not sure how, but his face says it all

it should have been immediately obvious that something was wrong when he didn’t transfer it all to the the corporate account.

am wondering with this happening in the US, is that david open to civil forfeiture of his house?, bleeding should be

If this is accurate. Instead of “apologising” sell the house and pay the money back.

Am I the only one that thinks Boe should be brought up on embezzlement charges after being fired?
The ill gotten gains would be used to pay back both stolen funds and lawyer fees as well as him not being a part of a company that could potentially do well.

If this doesn’t happen the company should not survive.

any comments suggestions (other than told u so ;)? @Thomas_Sanladerer @MAKE1 @Maker_s_Muse @Kickstarter @Chuck_Hellebuyck_s_E @Richard_Horne

I’m one of those unfortunate backers. All these years of progress videos, hard to believe they were even real! :\

I’m still holding out for some white knight to come and inject enough funds to get the CE certification and ship these things out. It “looks” like it’s legit. I can’t tell any more.

Anyways, I’ve long held this philosophy of crowd-funded anything:

Don’t think of it as a pre-order, think of it as an investment. And like any investment, there’s a very real chance that you will not get any ROI.

@Joe_Duong I think of it as a donation (ie the actual terms in kickstarter) the products that are as rewards were intended to be stickers, post cards, small content, etc. Kickstarter allows people to offer more than they can deliver, because that is what makes Kickstarter money…

sounds like David had planned his retirement by pissing off a lot of people. I really don’t want to judge but I just need to say it: he has no value for any society really.

@Camerin_hahn That’s also a very good way to look at it. I also don’t do anything over $100. That’s just asking for trouble.

With all this crowd-funding bashing though, I must say, I’ve got a pretty high percentage of delivery of product. I wouldn’t hesitate to fund a project. Just have to do a little due diligence. Is this their first time crowd-funding? Are their goals unrealistic? etc.

Just an observation - I’m wondering whether this machine actually existed in the first place? Where, is there a video of the prototype machine actually printing? The one that must have created those examples they show? Flicking through their promo videos there only ever seem to be a few close ups/photos/snippets of various “bits” of machinery, which actually could be anything… There’s plenty of animations, there’s plenty of glossy tech talk. So, in my mind… I’m thinking “flannel” Having watched the vid again - it seems to me, somehow contrived, staged - acted if you like - and really… rather… all unbelievable. That’s my first impressions as a complete outsider to this particular Kickstarter. My gut feeling is this was a rip-off from the start.

I sincerely hope for the guys who invested that’s not the case and I’d be v happy to have my suspicions squashed. But… as the saying goes…“If it walks like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck, it probably is a Duck”

@Chris_Rennie , hard to know really. I’ve always just attributed the video style to this guy being a bit awkward in front of the camera. My gut says his work was legit and they really do have all those parts ordered/stocked; the scammy/vaporware campaigns that I’ve seen died off pretty quickly and didn’t bother to keep updating like the Peachy team has continued to do. It’s all speculation though until anyone receives hardware… which may be never.

+John Tuytel
If that’s the case, I find the handling over the subsequent fraud and the making of the glossy video “Big bad news” just… questionable? It all feels too “staged” too contrived, too controlled and almost scripted I’m just not buying the events or the whole concept of this printer. Something stinks very badly here beyond Davids odd “apology” and the earnst concern/appeal that “justice will prevail” of his business partner. ? Just my view - having stumbled across this as a complete outsider.

what does the peachy house look like. https://plus.google.com/100120618863883452718/posts/EVj5VCyZRVL

@jinx_OI he should invite all the backers to a massive house party.

unbelievable they continued to pay themselves a wage with what was left. without a thought of returning some of the backers cash,