Turns out, we are the 300th most popular community on G+,

Turns out, we are the 300th most popular community on G+, with a large falloff of community joiners around March 2015. We’ve got an average of 1 reshare per post, 7 +'s per post, and who knows how many actual page hits/views. Closest community to us as far as users, engagement, etc – just so happens to be the Raspberry Pi community. :smiley:

Check that…now looks like #299.
I guess I need to get out of my cave more after looking at some of those other communities on the list…

This makes me really happy. I just joined this week and I already love this community.

@Adam_Steinmark ​ glad to hear that man. This community has a great atmosphere

Thats because the best thing to come out of this community is a BENCHY.
Jesus ! The stuff your making is garbage.

@frosty_pablo ​ awesome level of ignorance and immaturity.

@frosty_pablo Ey stfu or gtfo. Srsly pal

@frosty_pablo if you don’t like it leave.

@frosty_pablo has left the building. @frosty_pablo has been saved. @frosty_pablo has left the building. @frosty_pablo has been saved. (removed from community)

Much appreciated @ThantiK